Mmmmmmmm, I see you my sexy strong warrior man.
Battling dragons and demons everyday to keep your loved ones safe and sound, providing food on the table and a roof over our heads.
You have a massively demanding and scary job being the provider, protector, and pleasurer of us women and children.
Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart for your never ending devotion and service to our wellbeing, safety, and flourishing.
I see you holding back tears when you feel pain, crying alone in the darkness, terrified and suffering in silence because you want us to believe everything is going to be ok.
Standing on the frontlines braving the elements of destruction and devastation so we may enjoy peace in our homes.
So many temptations of the flesh are designed by the dark side to make you weaker and more easily defeatable in the daily battles you face.
Men who mindfully develop resilience and resistance to these illusions of conquest and spiritual landmines always achieve greatness at a higher number than those who succumb to temptation, cave in and collapse to short-term pleasure of the flesh.
I applaud you for staying true to your quest, your life mission to make the world safer, happier, healthier, and more prosperous for all current and future generations.
The sacred masculine must be extremely well-nourished with frequent sincere reminders and appreciation of your sacrifices and relentless daily inner and outer work you do for the betterment of the whole world.
When the sacred masculine is malnourished, you serve no one and your mission most definitely will fail.
When your soul is malnourished you become violent with your thoughts, words, and actions leading to destruction rather than construction of a better world.
When your mind is malnourished and intoxicated with poisons, you devolve into a caveman thinking greed, control, and manipulation are the way to achieve your goals.
When your body is malnourished you become lazy and lethargic and only focus on short-term junk food for sustenance which causes spiritual and physical cancer.
When your powerful sexuality is repressed and malnourished, you treat women as throw-away objects to be hunted or caged rather than regenerative ranches to be cherished and cultivated benefiting generations to come, you starve your family of healthy, optimal energy and interactions, leaving children repeating the same cycle of extraction and exploitation rather than regeneration.
I am not telling you this to make you feel badly for having these desires, thoughts, and actions.
I am telling you this so that you are crystal clear on knowing your internal and external enemies and how to consistently defeat them.
I am sharing this because I BELIEVE in YOU my dear masculine warrior soul.
YOU were born for greatness and it is your God-given birthright to bravely step into your power and become the man - the real man - you are destined to be.
This doesn’t mean you will not fall down on your path to destiny, surely not.
But when you commit to your calling and combine forces with the Creator, God, Spirit, Universe, you cannot fail my fierce warrior.
When you understand all the “dickstractions” put there by the dark side to tempt you and lead you down a dark path away from your mission, you will begin to make more conscious choices aligned with your destiny that nourish that gorgeous sexy sacred masculine warrior soul and all the loved ones in your life.
I see you and WOW, what a sight to behold.
Thank you again for your powerful presence and devotion to the mission of making you, your loved ones, and the world a way better place.